AAC Ideas
For Project-Based Multimedia Project - Country Study
Summer -
1. Set up email accounts for students
2. Create directions for students on logging into /using their email
3. Maybe - Setup Wikis for students and link them to squorl (if we don't set them up and they are not named correctly, it could cause frustration/confustion.
4. Create directions for accessing their email and activating their wiki.
1. Meet with all SS teachers on the plan, schedule intro lab time.
2. Teachers - introduce the project to the students, show them examples, provide a final checklist/rubric to compare to the finished products.
3. Send letter home to parents outlining the project with permission slip for use.
4. Have students sign an agreement to have access to a computer outside of class at least 30 minutes per week.
1. Student create new pages and link to those pages in their wiki.
2. Students create biography essay and add link to the wiki.
3. Students create statistics essay and add link to the wiki.
1. Students use graphing tool online to create graphs for their wiki.
1. Students create a GLOG about a famous person and embed in their wiki.
1. Student create video cast for their wiki - their own news report and embed video in their wiki.
1. Scanning maps
Summer -
1. Set up email accounts for students
2. Create directions for students on logging into /using their email
3. Maybe - Setup Wikis for students and link them to squorl (if we don't set them up and they are not named correctly, it could cause frustration/confustion.
4. Create directions for accessing their email and activating their wiki.
1. Meet with all SS teachers on the plan, schedule intro lab time.
2. Teachers - introduce the project to the students, show them examples, provide a final checklist/rubric to compare to the finished products.
3. Send letter home to parents outlining the project with permission slip for use.
4. Have students sign an agreement to have access to a computer outside of class at least 30 minutes per week.
1. Student create new pages and link to those pages in their wiki.
2. Students create biography essay and add link to the wiki.
3. Students create statistics essay and add link to the wiki.
1. Students use graphing tool online to create graphs for their wiki.
1. Students create a GLOG about a famous person and embed in their wiki.
1. Student create video cast for their wiki - their own news report and embed video in their wiki.
1. Scanning maps
- Slideshare - uploading PowerPoint
- Email tourism center or diplomat/representative to get authentic information from the country.
- Find a penpal from that country?
- Current issues - news of what is going on in that country today.
- Add a video component.
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